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Consciousness: the worlds deepest mystery, Online course, New Scientist Academy, 2021

A new science of consciousness, Closer To Truth, 2021
The experience of being me, EXPeditions, 2021
How your brain works, Online course, New Scientist Academy, 2021
The Disordered Eye, Documentary by Richard Butchins, BBC4, 2020

Brain Surgeons: Between Life and Death, Documentary by Jack MacInnes, Channel 4, 2020

The Reality of Reality, World Science Festival, New York, 2019
Living in Chaos, Documentary TV show, VPRO (Holland), 2019
The Joy of AI, Documentary TV show, BBC Four, 2018
Why reality may just be a hallucination, Business Insider, 2018

The Story of Now, Documentary TV series with Idris Elba, 2015