
Seth, A.K. (2024). Conscious artificial intelligence and biological naturalism. PsyArXiv (first draft)
Barnett, L.C., and Seth, A.K. (2023). Dynamical independence: Discovering macroscopic emergent processes in complex dynamical systems. Physical Review E. 108:014304
Seth, A.K. and Bayne, T. (2022). Theories of consciousness. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 23:439-452.
Bayne, T., Seth, A.K., and Massimini, M. (2020). Are there islands of awareness? Trends in Neurosciences. 34(1):6-16
Roseboom, W., Fountas, Z., Nikiforou, K., Bhowmik, D., Shanahan, M.P., and Seth, A.K. (2019). Activity in perceptual classification networks as a basis for human subjective time perception. Nature Communications. 10:267
Seth, A.K. and Tsakiris, M. (2018). Being a beast machine: The somatic basis of conscious selfhood. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 22(11):969-981
Buckley, C., Kim, C.-S., McGregor, S., and Seth, A.K. (2017). The free energy principle for action and perception: A mathematical review. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 81:55-79
Seth, A.K. (2013). Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 17(11):656-663