


194. Seth, A.K. (in press). Conscious artificial intelligence and biological naturalism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (Target article.)

193. Gómez-Marin, A., and Seth, A.K. (2025). A science of consciousness beyond pseudo-science and pseudo-consciousness. Nature Neuroscience

192. Mudrik, L., Boly, M., Dehaene, S., Fleming, S.M., Lamme, V.A.F., Seth, A.K., and Melloni, L. (2025). Unpacking the complexities of consciousness: theories and reflections. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 170:106053.


191. Gordon, E., and Seth, A.K. (2024). Ethical considerations for the use of brain-computer interfaces for cognitive enhancement. PLoS Biology, 22(10): e3002899.

190. Sherman, M.T., and Seth, A.K. (2024). Knowing that you know that you know? An extreme-confidence heuristic can lead to above-chance metacognitive discrimination. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 1, niae020

189. Bayne, T., Seth, A.K., Massimini, M., Shepherd, J., Cleeremans, A., Fleming, S.M., Malach, R., Mattingley, J.B., Menon, D.K., Owen A.M., Peters, M.A.K., Razi, A., and Mudrik, L. (2024). Tests for consciousness in humans and beyond. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (cover article), 28(5):454-466.

188. Mediano, P.A.M., Rosas, F.E., Timmerman, C., Roseman, L., Nutt, D.J., Feilding, A., Kaelen, M., Kringelbach, M., Barrett, A.B., Seth, A.K., Muthukumaraswamy, S., Bor, D., and Carhart-Harris, R.L. (2024). Effects of external stimuli on psychedelic neurodynamics. ACS Chem Neurosci, 15(3):462-471.

187. Suzuki, K., Seth, A.K., and Schwartzman, D.J. (2024). Modelling phenomenological differences in aetiologically distinct visual hallucinations using deep neural networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. DOI 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1159821


186. LeDoux, J., Birch, J., Andrews, K., Clayton, N.S., Daw, N.D., Frith, C.D., Lau, H., Peters, M.A.K., Schneider, S., Seth, A.K., Suddendorf, T., and Vandekerckhove, M.M.P. (2023). Consciousness beyond the human case. Current Biology 33:R829-854

185. Tschantz, A., Millidge, B., Seth, A.K., and Buckley, C.L. (2023). Hybrid predictive coding: Inferring, fast and slow. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(8):e1011280

184. Barnett, L.C., and Seth, A.K. (2023). Dynamical independence: Discovering emergent macroscopic processes in complex dynamical systems. Physical Review E, 108:014304

183. Schwartzman, D.J.*, Oblak, A.*, Rothen, N., Bor, D., and Seth, A.K. (2023). Extensive phenomenological overlap between induced and naturally-occurring synaesthetic experiences. Collabra, 9(1):73832 (* joint first author)

182. Otten, M., Seth, A.K., and Pinto, Y. (2023). Seeing Ɔ, remembering C: Illusions in short-term memory. PLoS One, 18(4): e0283257 [media: Guardian, Medium, New Scientist, Gizmodo, Stephen Colbert].


181. Rajpal, H., Mediano, P.A.M., Rosas, F.E., Timmermann, C.B., Brugger, S., Muthukumaraswamy, S., Seth, A.K., Bor, D., Carhart-Harris, R.C., and Jensen, H.J. (2022). Psychedelics and schizophrenia: Distinct alterations to Bayesian inference. Neuroimage, 263:119624.

180. Francken, J. C., Beerendonk, L., Molenaar, D., Fahrenfort, J.F., Kiverstein, J., Seth, A.K., and van Gaal, S. (2022). An academic survey on theoretical foundations, common assumptions and the current state of the field of consciousness science. Neuroscience of Consciousness, niac011

179. Sherman, M.T., Fountas, Z., Seth, A.K., and Roseboom, W. (2022). Accumulation of salient events in sensory cortex activity predicts subjective time. PLoS Computational Biology. 18(7): e1010223

178. Seth, A.K. and Bayne, T. (2022). Theories of consciousness. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 23(7):439-452

177. Mediano, P.A.M., Rosas, F.E., Bor, D., Seth, A.K., and Barrett. A.B. (2022). The strength of weak integrated information theory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 26(8):646-655

176. Ciaunica, A., Seth, A.K., Limanowski, J., Hesp, C., and Friston, K.J. (2022). I overthink – therefore I am not: Altered sense of self and agency in depersonalization disorder. Consciousness and Cognition. 101:103220

175. Fountas, Z., Sylaidi, A., Nikiforou, K., Seth, A.K., Shanahan, M.P., and Roseboom, W. (2022). A predictive processing model of episodic memory and time perception. Neural Computation. 34(7):1501-1544

174. Ramstead, M.J.D., Seth, A.K., Hesp, C., Sandved-Smith, L., Mago, J., Lifshitz, M., Pagnoni, G., Smith, R., Dumas, G., Lutz, A., Friston, K.J., and Constant, A. (2022). From generative models to generative passages: A computational approach to (neuro)phenomenology. Review of Philosophy and Psychology. 18:1-29

173. Mediano, P.A.M., Rosas, F.E., Luppi, A.I., Jensen, H.J., Seth, A.K., Barrett, A.B., Carhart-Harris, R.L., and Bor, D. (2022). Greater than the parts: A review of the information decomposition approach to causal emergence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

172. Seth, A.K., Korbak, T., and Tschantz, A. (in press). A continuity of Markov blanket interpretations under the free energy principle. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. [invited commentary][preprint]

171. Tschantz, A., Barca, L., Maisto, D., Buckley, C.L., Seth, A.K., and Pezzulo, G. (2022). Simulating homeostatic, allostatic and goal-directed forms of interoceptive control using active inference. Biological Psychology. 169:108266

170. Lush, P., and Seth, A.K. (2022). Reply to: No specific relationship between hypnotic suggestibility and the rubber hand illusion. Nature Communications. 13:563


169. Lush, P., Dienes, Z, Seth, A.K., and Scott, R.B., (2021). The Phenomenological Control Scale: Measuring the capacity for creating illusory nonvolition, hallucination and delusion. Collabra: Psychology. 7(1):29542

168. Lush, P., Seth, A.K., and Dienes. Z. (2021). Hypothesis awareness confounds asynchronous control conditions in indirect measures of the rubber hand illusion. Royal Society Open Science. 8(11):210911

167. Seth, A.K. (2021). The real problem(s) with panpsychism. Journal of Consciousness Studies 28(9):52-64(13)

166. Skora, L., Seth, A.K., and Scott, R.B. (2021). Sensorimotor predictions shape conscious visual experience in a breaking continuous flash suppression task. Neuroscience of Consciousness, niab003


165. Hohwy, J., and Seth, A.K. (2020). Predictive processing as a systematic basis for identifying the neural correlates of consciousness. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences. 1(2):3

164. Seth, A.K., and Hohwy, J. (2020). Predictive processing as a theory for consciousness science. Cognitive Neuroscience

163. Lush, P., Botan, V., Scott, R.B., Seth, A.K., Ward, J., and Dienes Z. (2020). Trait phenomenological control predicts experience of mirror synaesthesia and the rubber hand illusion. Nature Communications. 11, 4853

162. Rosas, F.E., Mediano, P.A.M., Jensen, H.J., Seth, A.K., Barrett, A.B., Carhart-Harris, R.L., and Bor, D. (2020). Reconciling emergences: An information-theoretic approach to identify causal emergence in multivariate data. PLoS Computational Biology

161. Andermane, N., Bosten, J., Seth, A.K., and Ward J. (2020). Individual differences in the tendency to see the expected. Consciousness and Cognition. 85:102989

160. Bayne, T., Seth, A.K., and Massimini, M. (2020). From complexity to consciousness: Reply to Cecconi et al. Trends in Neurosciences. 43(8):546-547

159. Boonstra, E.A., van Schowenburg, M.R., Seth, A.K., Bauer, M., Zantvoord, J.B., Kemper, E.M., Lansink, C., and Slagter, H.A. (2020). Conscious perception and the modulatory role of dopamine: no effect of the dopamine D2 agonist cabergoline on visual masking, the attentional blink, and probabilistic discrimination. Psychopharmacology. 237:2855-2872

158. Seth, A.K., Millidge, B., Buckley, C.L., and Tschantz, A. (2020). Curious inferences: Reply to Sun & Firestone. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 24(9):681-683

157. Tschantz, A., Seth, A.K., and Buckley, C.L. (2020). Learning action-oriented models through active inferencePLoS Computational Biology. 16(4):e1007805

156. Skora, L., Livermore, J., Dienes, Z., Seth, A.K., and Scott, R.B. (2020 IPA, 2023). Feasibility of unconscious instrumental conditioning: A registered replication. Cortex. 159:101-117

155. De Haan, E., Pinto, Y., Corballis, P., Hillyard, S., Marzi, C., Seth, A.K., Lamme, V.A.F., Volz, L., Fabri, M., Schecter, E., Bayne, T., and Corballis, M. (2020). Split-brain: What we know about cutting the corpus callosum now and why this is important for understanding consciousness. Neuropsychological Review. 30(2):224-233

154. Dienes, Z., Lush, P., Palfi, B., Roseboom, W., Scott, R.B,, Parris, B, Seth, A.K., and Lovell, M. (2020). Phenomenological control as cold control: Hypnosis and beyond. APA Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice

153. Barnett, L.C., Carhart-Harris, R., Muthukumaraswamy, S., and Seth, A.K. (2020). Decreased directed functional connectivity in the psychedelic stateNeuroimage. 209:116462

152. Bayne, T., Seth, A.K., and Massimini, M. (2020). Are there islands of awareness? Trends in Neurosciences. 34(1):6-16 [cover article][comment][response]

151. Rothen, N., Berry, C., Seth, A.K., Oligschläger, S., and Ward, J. (2020). A single system account of enhanced recognition memory in synaesthesia. Memory and Cognition. 48(2):188-199


150. Suárez-Pinilla, M., Nikiforou, K., Fountas, Z., Seth, A.K., and Roseboom, W. (2019). Perceptual content, not physiological signals, determines perceived duration when viewing dynamic, natural scenesCollabra: Psychology. 5(1):55

149. Seth, A.K., and Hohwy, J. (2019). Editorial: Open science in consciousness researchNeuroscience of Consciousness. niz018

148. Schwartzman, D., Bor, D., Rothen, N., and Seth, A.K. (2019). Neurophenomenology of induced and natural synaesthesiaPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 374(1787):2019.0030

147. Seth, A.K. (2019). Too many ghosts in the machineNature Machine Intelligence. 1:294-295

146. Suzuki, K., Lush, P., Seth, A.K., and Roseboom, W. (2019). Intentional binding without intentional action. Psychological Science. 30(6):842-853 [neurobanter]

145. Lush, P., Roseboom, W., Cleeremans, A., Scott, R.B., Seth, A.K., and Dienes. Z. (2019). Intentional binding as Bayesian cue combination: testing predictions with trait individual differencesJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 45(9):1206-1217

144. Suzuki, K., Schwartzman, D.S., Augusto, R., and Seth, A.K. (2019). Sensorimotor contingency modulates breakthrough of virtual 3D objects during a breaking continuous flash suppression paradigmCognition. 187:95-107

143. Rae, C.L., Critchley, H.D., and Seth, A.K. (2019). A Bayesian account of the sensorimotor interactions underlying symptoms of Tourette syndromeFrontiers in Psychiatry. 10:29

142. Andermane, N., Bosten, J., Seth, A.K., and Ward, J. (2019). Individual differences in change blindness are predicted by top-down visual stability not bottom-up visual ability. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 5(1):1-12

141. Michel, M., Seth, A.K.*, Lau, H., and Fleming, S.M. (2019). Opportunities and challenges for a maturing science of consciousness. (*among 53 additional co-authors). Nature Human Behaviour. 3(2):104-107

140. Mediano, P.A.M., Seth, A.K., and Barrett, A.B. (2019). Measuring integrated information. Comparison of candidate measures in theory and in simulation. Entropy. 21:17. [neurobanter]

139. Roseboom, W., Fountas, Z., Nikiforou, K., Bhowmik, D., Shanahan, M.P., and Seth, A.K. (2019). Activity in perceptual classification networks as a basis for human subjective time perceptionNature Communications. 10:267. [neurobanter]

138. Seth, A.K. (2019). From unconscious inference to the Beholder’s share: Predictive perception and human experience. European Review. 27(3):378-410


137. Seth, A.K. (2018). Consciousness: the last 50 years (and the next). Brain and Neuroscience Advances. 2:1-6

136. Broad, R., Gabel, M., Dowell, N., Schwartzman, D., Seth, A.K., Zhang, H., Alexander, D., Cercicgnani, M., and Leigh, P.N. (2018). Neurite orientation and dispersion density imaging (NODDI) detects cortical and corticofugal tract degeneration in ALS.  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry

135. Seth, A.K.and Tsakiris, M. (2018). Being a beast machine: The somatic basis of conscious selfhoodTrends in Cognitive Sciences. 22(11):969-981 [cover article][preprint]

134. Rothen, N., Seth, A.K., and Ward, J. (2018). Synaesthesia improves sensory memory, when perceptual awareness is high. Vision Research. 153:1-6

133. Suarez-Pinilla, M., Seth, A.K., and Roseboom, W. (2018). The illusion of uniformity does not depend on low-level vision: evidence from sensory adaptation. i-Perception. 9(5):2041669518800507

132. Rae, C.L., Polyanska, L., Gould van Praag, C.D., Parkinson, J., Bouyagoub, S., Nagai, Y., Seth, A.K., Harrison, H., Garfinkel, S.N., and Critchley, H.D. (2018). Face perception enhances insula and motor network reactivity in Tourette SyndromeBrain. 141:3249-3261 [preprint]

131. Carpenter, J., Sherman, M.T., Kievit, R.A., Seth, A.K., Lau, H., and Fleming, S.M. (2019). Domain general enhancements of metacognitive ability through adaptive trainingJournal of Experimental Psychology: General. 148(1):51-64

130. Bor, D., Barrett, A.B., Schwartzman, D., and Seth, A.K. (2018). Response to Ruby et al: On a “failed” attempt to manipulate conscious perception with transcranial magnetic stimulation to prefrontal cortexConsciousness and Cognition. 62:34-41

129. Barnett, L.C., Barrett, A.B., and Seth, A.K. (2018). Solved problems for Granger causality analysis for neuroscience: A response to Stokes and Purdon. Neuroimage. 178:744-748

128. Barnett, L.C., Barrett, A.B., and Seth, A.K. (2018). Misunderstandings regarding the application of Granger causality in neuroscienceProc. Nat. Acad Sci USA. 115(29):E6676-E6677

127. Suarez-Pinilla, M., Seth, A.K., and Roseboom, W. (2018). Serial dependence in the perception of visual variance. Journal of Vision. 18(7)4:1-24

126. Davies, G., Rae, C.L., Garfinkel, S.N., Seth, A.K., Medford, N., Critchley, H.D., and Greenwood, K. (2018). Impairment of perceptual metacognitive accuracy and reduced prefrontal grey matter volume in first-episode psychosis. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 23(3):165-179

125. Rothen, N., Schwartzman, D., Bor, D., and Seth, A.K. (2018). Coordinated neural, behavioural, and phenomenological changes in training-induced synesthetic experienceNeuropsychologia. 111:151-162

124. Bola, M., Barrett, A.B., Pigorini, A., Nobili, L., Seth, A.K., and Marchewka, A. (2018). Loss of consciousness is related to hyper-correlated gamma-band activity in anaesthetised macaques and sleeping humansNeuroimage. 167:130-142


123. Seth, A.K. and Dienes, Z. (2017). The value of Bayesian statistics for assessing credible evidence for animal sentienceAnimal Sentience [Commentary on Jonathan Birch: Precautionary Principle.] 16(22)

122. Suzuki, K., Roseboom, W., Schwartzman, D.J., and Seth, A.K. (2017). The hallucination machine: A novel method for studying the phenomenology of visual hallucination. Scientific Reports. 7(1):15982

121. Buckley, C., Kim, C.-S., McGregor, S., and Seth, A.K. (2017). The free energy principle for action and perception: A mathematical reviewJournal of Mathematical Psychology. 81:55-79

120. Chang, A.Y-C., Schwartzman, D., Vanrullen, R., Kanai, R., and Seth, A.K. (2017). Perceptual echo reflects learning of temporal regularities in rapid luminance sequencesJournal of Neuroscience. 37(35):8486-8497

119. Schartner, M., Cahart-Harris, R., Barrett, A.B., Seth, A.K.*, and Muthukumaraswamy, S. (2017). Increased spontaneous MEG signal diversity for psychoactive doses of ketamine, LSD, and psylocibinScientific Reports. 7:46421 (*corresponding author)

118. Rae, C.L., Davies, G., Garfinkel, S.N., Gabel, M.C.E., Dowell, N.G., Cercicgnani, M., Seth, A.K., Greenwood, K.E., Medford, N., and Critchley, H.D. (in press). Deficits in neurite density underlie white matter structure abnormalities in first-episode psychosisBiological Psychiatry

117. Bor, D., Schwartzman, D., Barrett, A.B., and Seth, A.K. (2017). Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation to the prefrontal or parietal cortex does not impair metacognitive visual awarenessPLoS One. 12(2): e017193

116. Schartner, M., Pigorini, A., Gibbs, S., Sarasso, S., Barnett, L.C., Nobili, L., Massimini, M., Seth, A.K., and Barrett, A.B. (2017). Global and local complexity of intracranial EEG decreases during NREM sleepNeuroscience of Consciousness. 3(1):niw022

115. Parkinson, J., Garfinkel, S.G., Critchley, H.D., Dienes, Z., and Seth, A.K. (2017). Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: Manipulating volitional choices to act or inhibit with subliminal emotional facesCognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 17(2):252-268

114. Barnett, L.C., and Seth, A.K. (2017). Granger-causal analysis for subsampled continuous-time neurophysiological processesJournal of Neuroscience Methods. 275:90-121

113. Pinto, Y., Vandenbroucke, A.R., Otten, M., Sligte, I.G., Seth, A.K., and Lamme, V.A.F. (2017). Conscious visual memory with minimal attentionJournal of Experimental Psychology: General. 146(2):214-226

112. Otten, M., Pinto, Y., Pfaffen, C., Seth, A.K., and Kanai, R. (2017). The uniformity illusion: central stimuli can determine peripheral perceptionPsychological Science. 28(1):56-68


111. Stephan, K.E.,  Manjaly, Z.M., Mathys, C.D., Weber, L.A., Paliwal, S., Gard, T., Tittgemeyer, M., Fleming, S.M., Haker, H., Seth, A.K., and Petzchner, F. (2016). Metacognition of allostatic control – a theory of dyshomeostasis-induced fatigue and depressionFrontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10:550

110. Kwisthout, J., Phillips, B., Seth, A.K., van Rook, I., and Clark, A. (2016). Editorial to the special issue on Perspectives on human probabilistic inference and the ‘Bayesian Brain’Brain and Cognition. 112:1-2

109. Sherman, M.T., Seth A.K., and Kanai, R. (2016). Predictions shape confidence in right inferior frontal gyrus. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(40):10323-10336

108. Seth, A.K. and Friston, K.J. (2016). Active interoceptive inference and the emotional brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 371(1708):20160007

107. Reveley, C., Gruslys, A., Ye, F.Q., Samaha, J., Glen, D., Russ, B., Saad, Z., Seth, A.K., Leopold, D.A., and Saleem, K.S. (2016). Three-dimensional digital template atlas of the macaque brainCerebral Cortex. 27(9):4463-4477

106. Schauer, G., Chang, A., Schwartzman, D., Rae, C., Iriye, H., Seth, A.K., and Kanai, R. (2016). Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEGScientific Data. 3:160065

105. Otten, M., Seth, A.K., and Pinto, Y. (2016). A social Bayesian brain: how social knowledge can shape early visual perceptionBrain and Cognition. 112:69-77

104. Gould, C., Garfinkel, S., Ward, J., Bor, D., and Seth, A.K. (2016). Automaticity and localization predict colour area activity in grapheme-colour synaesthesia. Neuropsychologia. 88:5-14

103. Sherman, M.T., Kanai, R., Seth, A.K., and VanRullen, R. (2016). Rhythmic influence of top-down perceptual priors in the phase of ongoing occipital alpha oscillationsJournal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28(9):1318-30

102. Malekshahi, R., Seth, A.K., Papanikolauo, A., Mathews, Z., Papnikolau, A., Birbaumer, N., Verschure, P.F.M.V., and Caria, A. (2016). Differential neural mechanisms for early and late prediction error detection. Scientific Reports. 6:24350

101. Garfinkel, S.N., Tilly, C., O’Keefe, S., Harrison, N.A., Seth, A.K., and Critchley, H.D. (2016) Discrepancies between interoceptive dimensions in autism: Implications for emotion and anxiety.  Biological Psychiatry. 114:117-126.100

100. Seth, A.K. (2016). Infer yourself: Interoception and internal action in conscious selfhood. Behavioural and Brain Sciences. [Commentary on Ezequiel Morsella et al.]

99. Seth. A.K. (2016).  Why fish pain cannot and should not be ruled out.  Animal Sentience. 020 [Commentary on Brian Key: Why fish do not feel pain.]


98. Schartner, M., Seth, A.K., Noirhomme, Q., Boly, M., Bruno, M.-A., Laureys, S., and Barrett, A.B. (2015) Complexity of multi-dimensional spontaneous EEG decreases during propofol induced anaesthesia. PLoS One. 10(8):e0133532

97. Reveley, C., Seth, A.K., Silva, A., Yu., D., Saunders, R.C., Leopold, D., and Ye, F. (2015). Superficial white-matter fiber systems impede detection of long-range connections in diffusion MR tractographyProceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA. 112(21)E2820-8 [neurobanter]

96. Pinto, Y., van Gaal, S., de Lange, F.P., Lamme, V.A.F., and Seth, A.K. (2015). Expectations accelerate entry of visual stimuli into awarenessJournal of Vision. 15(8):13

95. Sherman, M., Seth, A.K., Barrett, A.B., and Kanai, R. (2015). Prior expectation facilitates metacognition for perceptual decision. Consciousness and Cognition. 35:53-65

94. Barnett, L.C., and Seth, A.K. (2015). Granger causality for state-space modelsPhysical Review E (rapid communication) 91. 040101(R) (see also

93. Palmer, C., Seth, A.K., and Howhy, J. (2015). The felt presence of other minds: predictive processing, counterfactual predictions, and mentalising in autism. Consciousness and Cognition. [doi:10.1016/j.concog.2015.04.007]

92. Fatoorechi, M., Parkinson, J., Prance, R.J., Prance, H., Seth, A.K., and Schwartzman, D. (2015). A comparative study of electric potential sensors and Ag/AgCl electrodes for spontaneous and event-related EEG measurementsJournal of Neuroscience Methods. 251:7-16

91. Seth, A.K. (2015). Presence, objecthood, and the phenomenology of predictive perception. Cognitive Neuroscience. 7:1-7

90. Seth, A.K., He, B.J., and Hohwy, J. (2015). EditorialNeuroscience of consciousness. 1-3. [doi]

89. Seth, A.K., Barrett, A.B., and Barnett, L.C. (2015). Granger causality analysis in neuroscience and neuroimaging. Journal of Neuroscience. 35(8):3293-3297

88. Seth, A.K. (2015). Neural coding: rate and time codes work togetherCurrent Biology. 25(3):R111-113

87. Fatoorechi, M., Schwartzman, D., Prance, H., Parkinson, J., Seth, A.K., and Prance, R.J. (2015). New directions in EEG: An investigation into the fidelity of electric potential sensor signalsSensors and Transducers. 184(1):101-107

86. Chang, A., Kanai, R., and Seth, A.K. (2015). Cross-modal prediction changes the timing of conscious access during motion-induced blindnessConsciousness and Cognition. 31:139-147


85. Garfinkel, S.N., Seth, A.K., Barrett, A.B., Suzuki, K., and Critchley, H.D. (2014). Knowing your own heart: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive awarenessBiological Psychology. 104C:65-74

84. Bor, D., Rothen, N., Schwartzman, D., Clayton, S., and Seth, A.K. (2014). Adults can be trained to acquire synaesthetic experiencesScientific Reports. 4:7089. [neurobanter]

83. Scott, R., Dienes, Z., Barrett, A.B., Bor, D., and Seth, A.K. (2014). Blind insight: Metacognitive discrimination despite chance task performance. Psychological Science 25(12):2199-208. [neurobanter]

82. Seth, A.K. (2014). Darwin’s neuroscientist: Gerald M. Edelman, 1929-2014. Frontiers in Psychology: Consciousness Research. 5:896

81.  Gould, C., Froese, T., Barrett, A., and Seth, A.K. (2014). An extended case study on the phenomenology of spatial form synaesthesiaFrontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:433  [with commentary by M. Price]

80. Seth, A.K. (2014). Response to Gu and FitzGerald: Interoceptive inference: from organism integrity to decision makingTrends in Cognitive Sciences. 18(6):270-1

79. Garfinkel, S., Minati, L., Gray, M.A., Seth, A.K., Dolan, R.J., and Critchley, H.D. (2014). Fear from the heart: sensitivity to fear stimuli depends on individual heartbeats. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(19): 6573-28

78. Samu, D., Seth, A.K., and Nowotny, T. (2014). Influence of wiring cost on the large-scale architecture of human cortical connectivity. PLoS Computational Biology. 10(4): e1003557

77. Seth, A.K. (2014). A predictive processing theory of sensorimotor contingencies: Explaining the puzzle of perceptual presence and its absence in synaesthesiaCognitive Neuroscience (target article) 5(2):97-118

76. Vandenbroucke, A., Sligte, I., Barrett, A., Seth, A.K., Fahrenfort, J., and Lamme, V. (2014). Accurate metacognition for visual sensory memory representations. Psychological Science. 25(4):861-73

75. Anderson, H., Seth, A.K., Dienes, Z., and Ward, J. (2014). Can grapheme-colour synaesthesia be induced by hypnosis? Frontiers in Human Neurosciences. 8:220

74. Barnett, L.C., and Seth, A.K. (2014). The MVGC multivariate Granger causality analysis toolbox: A new approach to Granger causal inference. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 223:50-68

73. Seth, A.K. (2014). What behaviourism can (and cannot) tell us about brain imagingTrends in Cognitive Sciences. 18(1):5-6


72. Barnett, L.C., Lizier, J., Harre, M., Seth, A.K., Bossomaier, T. (2013). Information flow in a kinetic Ising model peaks in the disordered phase. Physical Review Letters. 111:177203

71. Seth, A.K. (2013).  Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 17(11):565–573

70. Boly, M., Seth, A.K., Wilke, M., Ingmundson, P., Baars, B., Laureys, S., Edelman, D., and Tsuchiya, N. (2013). Consciousness in humans and non-human animals: Recent advances and future directions. Frontiers in Psychology: Consciousness Research. 4:625

69. Suzuki, K., Garfinkel, S., Critchley, H.D., and Seth, A.K. (2013). Multisensory integration across exteroceptive and interoceptive domains modulates self-experience in the rubber-hand illusion.  Neuropsychologia 51(13):2909-2917

68. Barrett, A., Dienes, Z., and Seth, A.K. (2013). Measures of metacognition on signal-detection theoretic models. Psychological Methods. 18(4):535-52

67. Rothen, N., Seth, A.K., Witzel, C., and Ward J. (2013). Diagnosing synaesthesia with online colour pickers: Maximising sensitivity and specificityJournal of Neuroscience Methods. 215(1):156-60

66. Garfinkel, S., Barrett, A., Minati. L., Dolan, R., Seth, A.K., and Critchley, H.D. (2013). What the heart forgets: Cardiac timing influences memory for words and is modulated by metacognition and interoceptive sensitivity. Psychophysiology. 50(6):505-12

65. Friston, K., Moran, R., and Seth, A.K. (2013). Analyzing connectivity with Granger causality and dynamic causal modeling. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 23(2):172-8

64. Seth, A.K., Chorley, P., and Barnett, L.C. (2013). Granger causality analysis of fMRI BOLD signals is invariant to hemodynamic convolution but not downsamplingNeuroimage. 65:540-555

63. Seth, A.K., and Critchley, H.D. (2013). Extending predictive processing to the body: A new view of emotion? Behavioural and Brain Sciences. 36(3):227-8


62. Holle, H., Warne, K., Seth, A.K., Critchley, H.D., and Ward, J. (2012). The neural basis of contagious itch and why some people are more prone to it. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. 109(48):19816-21

61. Harris, C.A., Buckley, C.L., Nowotny, T., Passaro, P.A., Seth, A.K., Kemenes, G., and O’Shea, M. (2012). Multi-neuronal refractory period adapts centrally generated behaviour to reward. PLoS ONE. 7(7):e42493

60. Seth, A.K. (2012). Putting Descartes before the horse: Quantum theories of consciousnessPhysics of Life Reviews. 9(3):297-8

59. Critchley, H.D., and Seth, A.K. (2012). Will studies of macaque insula reveal the neural mechanisms of self-awareness? Neuron. 74(3):423-424

58. Bor, D., and Seth, A.K. (2012). Consciousness and the prefrontal-parietal network: Insights from attention, working memory, and chunkingFrontiers in Psychology: Consciousness Research. 3:63

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56. Seth, A.K., Suzuki, K.S., and Critchley, H.D. (2012). An interoceptive predictive coding model of conscious presenceFrontiers in Psychology: Consciousness Research. 2:395

55. Barrett, A.B., Murphy, M., Bruno, M.A., Noirhomme, Q., Boly, M., Laureys, S., and Seth, A.K. (2012). Granger causality analysis of steady-state electroencephalographic signals during propofol-induced anaesthesiaPLoS ONE. 7(1):e29072

54.  Froese, T., McGann, M., Bigge, W., Spiers, A., and Seth, A.K. (2012). The enactive torch: A new tool for the science of perception. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 5(4):365-375

53. Boly, M., and Seth A.K. (2012). Modes and models in disorders of consciousness scienceArch. Ital. Biol. Sci. 150(2/3):172-184


52. Barnett, L.C, and Seth, A.K. (2011). Behaviour of Granger causality under filtering: Theoretical invariance and practical applicationJournal of Neuroscience Methods. 201:404-419

51. Chorley, P. and Seth, A.K. (2011). Dopamine-signalled reward predictions generated by competitive excitation and inhibition in a spiking neural network model. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 5:21

50. Roebroeck, A, Seth, A.K., and Valdes-Sosa, P. (2011). Causality analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 12:65-94.

49. Seth, A.K., Barrett, A.B., and Barnett, L.C. (2011). Causal density and integrated information as measures of conscious levelPhil. Trans R. Soc A. 369: 3748-3767

48. Barrett, A.B., and Seth, A.K. (2011). Practical measures of integrated information for time series data. PLoS Computational Biology. 7(1):e1001052

47. Scott, R.B., Minati, L. Dienes, Z., Critchley, H.D., and Seth, A.K. (2011). Detecting conscious awareness from involuntary autonomic responsesConsciousness and Cognition. 20(3):936-42

46. Froese, T., Gould, C., and Seth, A.K. (2011). Validating and calibrating first- and second-person methods in the science of consciousnessJournal of Consciousness Studies. 18(2):39-64

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44. Seth, A.K. and Barrett, A.B. (2010). Neural theories need to account for, not discount, behavior and introspectionCognitive Neuroscience. 1(3):227-228

43. Dienes, Z., and Seth, A.K. (2010).  Measuring any conscious content or measuring the relevant conscious content: comment on Sandberg et al. Consciousness and Cognition. 19(4):1079-80

42. Barrett, A.B., Barnett, L., and Seth, A.K. (2010). Multivariate Granger causality and generalized variance. Physical Review. E 81:041907

41. Rees, G and Seth, A.K. (2010). The cognitive neuroscience of consciousness. Cognitive Neuroscience. 1(3):153-154

40. Seth, A.K. (2010). The grand challenge of consciousnessFrontiers in Psychology. 1(5):1-2

39. Dienes, Z., Scott, R.B., and Seth, A.K. (2010). Subjective measures of implicit knowledge that go beyond confidence. Consciousness and Cognition. 19 (2):685-686

38. Ward, J., Jonas, C., Dienes, Z., and Seth, A.K. (2010). Grapheme-colour synaesthesia improves detection of embedded shapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 277(1684):1021-6

37. Seth, A.K. (2010). Measuring autonomy and emergence via Granger causality. Artificial Life. 16(2):179-96

36. Dienes, Z. and Seth, A.K. (2010). Gambling on the unconscious: A comparison of wagering and confidence ratings in an artificial grammar task. Consciousness and Cognition. 19(2):674-81

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34. Barnett, L., Barrett, A., and Seth, A.K. (2009). Granger causality and transfer entropy are equivalent for Gaussian variables. Physical Review Letters. 103:238701

33. Seth, A.K. (2009). Coma science: clinical and ethical implications. Progress in Brain Research. 177, ix-x. [foreword]

32. Edelman, D.B., and Seth, A.K. (2009). Animal consciousness: A synthetic approachTrends in Neurosciences. 32(9):476-484 [cover article]

31. Seth, A.K. (2009). Don’t throw the baby iguana out with the bathwaterAdaptive Behavior. 17:338-342 (commentary)

30. Seth, A.K. (2009). The strength of weak artificial consciousnessInternational Journal of Machine Consciousness. 1(1):71-82

29. Seth, A.K. (2009). Explanatory correlates of consciousness: Theoretical and computational challenges. Cognitive Computation. 1(1):50-63


28. Clowes, R. and Seth, A.K. (2008). Axioms, properties, and criteria: Roles for synthesis in the science of consciousness. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Medicine. 44 (2) :91-104

27. Seth, A.K., Dienes. Z., Cleeremans, A, Overgaard, M. and Pessoa, L. (2008). Measuring consciousness: Relating behavioral and neurophysiological approaches. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 12 (8): 314-321

26. Guo, S., Seth, A.K., Kendrick, K., and Feng, J. (2008). Partial Granger causality: Eliminating exogenous inputs and latent variables. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 172(1): 79-93

25. McKinstry, J.L., Seth, A.K., Edelman, G.M., & Krichmar, J.L. (2008). Embodied models of delayed neural responses: Spatiotemporal categorization and predictive motor control in brain-based devices. Neural Networks. 21(4): 553-61

24. Seth, A.K. (2008). Theories and measures of consciousness develop togetherConsciousness and Cognition. 17 (3):986-988

23. Seth, A.K. (2008). Post-decision wagering measures metacognitive content, not sensory consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition. 17 (3):981-983

22. Seth, A.K. (2008). Causal networks in simulated neural systemsCognitive Neurodynamics. 2:49-64


21. Seth, A.K. (2007). The functional utility of consciousness depends on content as well as on stateBehavioral and Brain Sciences. 30(1):106

20. Prescott, T.J., Bryson, J.J., & Seth, A.K. (2007). Modelling natural action selection: Introduction to the theme issuePhil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B.  362(1485):1521-9

19. Seth, A.K. (2007). The ecology of action selection: Insights from artificial life. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 362(1485):1545-58

18. Seth, A.K., and Edelman, G.M. (2007). Distinguishing causal interactions in neural populationsNeural Computation. 19(4):910-933


17. Seth, A.K., Izhikevich, E.M., Reeke, G.N., and Edelman. G.M. (2006). Theories and measures of consciousness: An extended framework. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 103(28):10799-10804

16. Seth, A.K., Iversen, J.R., and Edelman, G.M. (2006). Single trial discrimination of truthful from deceptive responses during a game of financial risk using MEG alpha signals. Neuroimage. 32(1):465-76


15. Seth, A.K. (2005). Causal connectivity of evolved neural networks during behaviorNetwork: Computation in Neural Systems. 16(1):35-55

14. Seth, A.K., Krichmar, J.L. and Sporns, O. (2005). Neurorobotic models in neuroscience and neuroinformatics. Neuroinformatics. 3(3):167-70

13. Krichmar, J.L., Seth, A.K., Nitz., D.A., Fleischer, J.G., and Edelman, G.M. (2005). Spatial navigation and causal analysis in a brain-based device having detailed cortical-hippocampal interactionsNeuroinformatics. 3(3):197-222

12. Seth, A.K., Baars, B.J., and Edelman, D.B. (2005). Criteria for consciousness in humans and other mammalsConsciousness and Cognition. 14(1):119-139

11. Edelman, D.B., Baars, B.J., and Seth, A.K. (2005). Identifying hallmarks of consciousness in non-mammalian speciesConsciousness and Cognition. 14(1):169-187

10. Seth, A.K., and Baars, B.J. (2005). Neural Darwinism and consciousnessConsciousness and Cognition. 14(1):140-168

9. Seth, A.K., Edelman, D.B. and Baars, B.J. (2005). Let’s not forget about sensory consciousnessBehavioral and Brain Sciences. 27(4):601-602. (continuing commentary)


8. Seth, A.K., McKinstry, J.L., Edelman.G.M., and Krichmar, J.L. (2004). Visual binding through reentrant connectivity and dynamic synchronization in a brain-based deviceCerebral Cortex. 14(11):1185-99

7. Seth, A.K., McKinstry, J.L., Edelman.G.M., and Krichmar, J.L. (2004). Active sensing of visual and tactile stimuli by brain-based devices. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 19(4):222-238

6. Seth, A.K. and Edelman, G.M. (2004). Environment and behavior influence the complexity of evolved neural networks. Adaptive Behavior. 12(1):5-21


5. Chen, Y., Seth, A.K., Gally, J.A., and Edelman, G.M. (2003). The power of human brain magnetoencephalographic signals can be modulated up or down by changes in an attentive visual taskProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 100(6):3501-3506


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