My Research
Academic Talks
Giving talks has taken me all over the world, from Australia to India.

- AI, neuroscience, and architecture. DigitalFutures discussion with Refik Anadol, June
- Extended reality in cognitive neuroscience: opportunities and challenges, CIFAR workshop, remote May
- Measuring consciousness, LUMINOUS, Oxford, Nov
- COGS Open lecture, Brighton, Oct
- Prolonged disorders of consciousness, Wellington Hospital, London, Oct
- Conscious perception and controlled hallucination, BrainMind summit, Stanford CA, Oct
- Are there islands of awareness? British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience, Cambridge, Sep
- Consciousness and the quantum, Sussex Quantum Day, Brighton, Jul
- Neurophenomenology of real and simulated psychedelia, BSMS, Brighton, Jul
- ASSC23, London, Ontario, Jun
- Kinds of Intelligence 2, Machine Minds, Cambridge Jun
- Mind and Life summer research institute, New York NY, Jun
- Moderated Q&A on the neuroscience of consciousness, British Neuroscience Association, Dublin, Apr
- Neurophenomenology of real and simulated psychedelia, MAPSIG group, Brighton, Nov
- Neurophenomenology of synaesthesia, ‘Bridging the Senses’, Royal Society, London, Oct
- Predictive processing and phenomenology, Monash Consciousness Workshop, Aegina, Greece, Sep
- The neuroscience of consciousness, Apple Research, Cupertino CA, Jul
- Perceptual uniformity and low-level sensory adaptation, ASSC22 oral presentation, Krakow, Jun
- Neurophenomenology of real and simulated psychedelia, CIFAR Prog. meeting, Krakow, Jun
- Neurophenomenology of real and simulated psychedelia, KNAW, Amsterdam, Jun
- Neurophenomenology of real and simulated psychedelia, Neurizons, Goettingen, Jun
- Predictive processing and perceptual phenomenology, Allahabad University, India, Apr
- Neurophenomenology of the psychedelic state, TSC2018, Tucson AZ, Apr
- Machine consciousness and ethics, a panel discussion, CIFAR Brain Symposium, Toronto, Mar
- Predictive processing and phenomenology, CIFAR Brain Symposium, Toronto, Mar
- Predictive processing and phenomenology, Reconstructing the Mind, Cambridge, Jan
- The real problem of consciousness, CIFAR winter school, Montebello, Quebec, Dec
- The real problem of consciousness, Elsass Foundation midsummer lecture, Copenhagen, Sep
- The real problem of consciousness, BCBT Summer School, Barcelona, Aug
- Consciousness: temperature or life, The Human Mind Conference, Cambridge, June
- Being a beast machine, plenary symposium, ASSC21, Beijing, June
- Being a beast machine, Sense of Self Workshop, Oxford, May
- Neurobiological signatures of natural and trained synaesthesia, Sussex Neuroscience Day, May
- The real problem of consciousness, Human Brain Project meeting, Paris, Mar
- Neurobiological signatures of natural and trained synaesthesia, University of Pennsylvania, Feb
- From Helmholtz to the Beholder’s Share, University of Pennsylvania, Feb
- Brain, mind, and consciousness, V&A Museum & Sussex University launch event, Jan
- The new neuroscience of consciousness, Queensland Brain Institute, Brisbane, Nov (keynote)
- The new neuroscience of consciousness, Brain & Mind School, Berlin, Oct (distinguished 10th anniversary invited lecture)
- From Helmholtz to the Beholder’s Share, Reconsidering Humanity II, Paris, Sep
- On memory and mind: in conversation with Nick Payne, THMP workshop, Brighton, Jul
- Expect yourself, What makes us human? Summer school, MPI Leipzig, Jul
- Expect yourself, ENCECON meeting on neurophenomenology, Bordeaux, Jun
- Phenomenology and mechanism in consciousness science, CIFAR meeting, London, May
- Expect yourself, Towards a Science of Consciousness plenary lecture, Tucson AZ, Apr
- Towards a neuroscience of consciousness, MPI Human Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Leipzig, Apr
- Seeing the expected, Bekinschtein lab talk, Cambridge, Apr
- Is there still room for a soul in the modern psyche? Closing debate at the BNPA AGM, London, Feb
- Computational pyschiatry and interoceptive inference, Zurich, Dec
- Subjective data and the science of consciousness, Paris, Oct
- Consciousness: a functional perspective, Jerusalem, August
- Big data in the brain, Reconsidering Humanity, Gothenburg, Jun
- Consciousness science: a brief history. Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Stockholm, Jun
- EPOS summer school on predictive coding. Amsterdam, Jun
- The Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, Sackler Foundation Meeting, New York, Apr
- *The cybernetic Bayesian brain, AISB annual convention, keynote lecture, Canterbury, Apr
- Metacognition of interoceptive states, BNA symposium, Edinburgh, Apr
- Neurobiological signatures of synaesthesia, KNAW synaesthesia symposium, Amsterdam, Mar
- The cybernetic Bayesian brain, Free Energy Workshop, FIL, London, Mar
- Interoceptive inference, emotion, and selfhood, Sheffield University Psychology, Sheffield, Mar
- Mind the body, Edinburgh Festival of the Humanities: Computers and Minds, Edinburgh, Nov
- *MIND group symposium on the Bayesian Brain, guest speaker, Frankfurt, Nov
- Interoceptive inference, emotion, and embodiment, Breakspear lab talk, Brisbane, Aug
- From predictive coding to integrated information, ICON2014 symposium, Brisbane, July
- Conscious level and complexity, ASSC18 plenary symposium, Brisbane, July
- Conscious presence and predictive processing, ASSC18 talk, Brisbane, July
- Complexity and brain networks, Complexity and Law workshop, University of Sussex, May
- Interoceptive inference and selfhood, Lorentz Workshop, Leiden, May
- Conscious presence and predictive processing, Lorentz Workshop, Leiden, May
- Interoceptive inference, emotion, and embodiment, invited seminar, Lausanne, Apr
- Interoceptive inference, emotion, and embodiment, invited seminar, Geneva, Apr
- Granger causality in neuroscience, invited talk, Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Apr
- Predictive processing and sensorimotor contingencies, AISB invited talk, London, Apr
- Interoceptive inference and neuropsychiatry, BSMS Neuroscience Network, Brighton, Jan
- Causal networks in brain dynamics, University of Ghent, Dec
- Interoceptive inference, emotion, and self, Netherlands Neuroscience Institute, Dec
- Interoceptive inference, emotion, and self, University of Glasgow, Aug
- From brain based devices to consciousness (special session), ASSC17, San Diego, CA, Jul
- Granger causality analysis of intracranial EEG (oral presentation), ASSC17, San Diego, CA, Jul
- Tutorial on predictive coding and integrated information theory, ASSC17, San Diego, CA, Jul
- Granger causality in neuroscience, Imperial College, London, Apr
- Causal density and interoceptive predictive coding, Bernstein Centre for Neuroscience, Berlin, Apr
- Granger causality in neuroscience, Centre de research cerveau et cognition, Toulouse, Apr
- Explanatory correlates of Consciousness, Philosophy and Psychology group, Edinburgh, Mar
- Explanatory correlates of Consciousness, Allahabad University, Allahabad, Feb
- Psychosis awareness day: Consciousness science and psychiatry, Brighton, Dec
- Neurocog meeting: Consciousness and cognitive control, Brussels, Dec
- Maastricht University, neuroimaging seminar, Maastricht, Nov
- Donders Institute, colloquium, Nijmegen, Nov
- University of Amsterdam, Cognitive Science seminar, Amsterdam, Nov
- Consciousness: A research update, Mind Science Foundation retreat, Rockland, ME, Jul
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brighton, Jul (main organiser)
- Consciousness and Causality, ReteCog summer school, Menorca
- Brain connectivity symposium, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Apr
- National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, Jan
- Psychosis awareness day: Consciousness science and psychiatry, Brighton, Dec