
Books and articles

I write about the mind and brain for people of all ages and from all backgrounds.

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What is reality? How much of what we perceive is constructed by our minds?

Really thought-provoking episode of @BBCRadio4 4's Sideways yesterday "Reality Shifters" featuring the brilliant ⁦⁦@anilkseth⁩.

BBC Radio 4 - Sideways, 67.

I'll be speaking about 'Can AI be conscious?' later today (5:40pm) on the Lab Stage here at the brilliant @DLDConference in Munich 🧠 - with book signing after 😉

I'm headed to Munich for @DLDConference - not been before, and looking forward to it. I'm speaking 17:40 on Friday 17th, on the Lab Stage, on the topic: Can AI be conscious?

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