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New book review in Current Biology! “Being You is an engaging and accessible tour through the field’s boldest theories, most creative experiments and most surprising findings. You could give the book to a smart teenager and get them asking questions that they will be thinking about for  the rest of their lives.”

Test your senses! The Perception Census is now live. Take part, find out about your powers of perception, and help advance the research. Part of the Dreamachine programme.

New podcast! The Michael Shermer Show – in which we talk about the hard problem of consciousness, the self, and the essence of volition.

“A mind-bending light and sound extravaganza is coming to a town near you, and it could help unravel the mysteries of the brain.” Preview of Dreamachine in this week’s New Scientist. Book your tickets now for the London and Cardiff events, starting May.

“engaging and accessible” … “it is a compelling picture”, new review of Being You in the Times Literary Supplement, by master illusionist Keith Frankish

“After decades of research into the mysteries of consciousness, the British academic has reached a radical conclusion – by way of meditation, surfing and a DIY “dream machine”.” New profile of me in this week’s New Statesman.

Announcing Dreamachine – a one-of-a-kind collective, immersive experience, starting May 2022. All you need to do is close your eyes. Follow us @drea_m_achine